"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was my first Indiana Jones movie. It was a good adventure tale. Indy (Harrison Ford, as limber as ever it appears) is called back into action when Mutt (Shia LaBoeuf!!) comes to him saying Indy's friend Ox and Mutt's mother have been kidnapped in Peru looking for the Crystal Skull. The Russian communinsts are involved with Cate Blanchett, black bob and all, as there leader. The movie starts off with some great chase sequences especially one with Shia and Ford on Mutt's motorcycle. It's overall very entertaining with jungles and ancient structures providing great places for action. What the Crystal Skull actually does which we see at the end is very trippy but the film still is very fun. Everything just looks so fun. The movie makes you want to swing on a branch in the jungle. LaBoeuf is good as Indy's new sidekick. Mutt's a smartass sometimes, but likable. Ford is having fun and saying all those great cheesy lines. This is an old fashioned movie which is so hard to find these days. It didn't grab me the way I thought it would, but maybe I should see the others. **1/2 out of ****